Saturday, January 19, 2013

Guns & Internet Memes, NRA Style

Memes. Either we share them because we agree, or complain about them. Either we share them because we agree, or complain about them. Here is a list that NRA and other gun enthusiast love that makes gun control advocates red with anger. Because I didn't create this myself. Each image comes with a source you can track it back to. Please complain to the original source, not the messenger please! :)

1. Here is a good one, if you look in the back you will see a guy holding a sign that says, "Ban Ignorance, Not Guns."  Well, "guns" is missing the first two letters, but, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to finish this game of "hangman". Who is banning all guns? Not knowing the facts that you are protesting is ignorant, wouldn't you say?

photo source: News Max

2. Comparing gun control to racism, great move! I found this one over at a Tumbler blog that is a gold mine of pro-gun propaganda, I have to wonder if the owner is paid by the NRA.

3.  Gun control linked to the Oklahoma City Bombing by Timothy McVeigh. Interesting and accurate, people will always find a way to kill other people. Yes, but that doesn't mean we have to help them kill other people by giving them access to dangerous weapons that most agree belong only with our military and other trained law enforcement. 

4. I don't understand this one, so maybe someone can explain it. It doesn't say anything to me.

5. Yes! Guns and beer, great combination! This is a a great example of safety! 

6. Really? Now that is mature. Tell that to the parents of the 20 children mutilated by the guns at Sandy Hook.

7. Here is one that is completely false, Obama hasn't say anything, his administration hasn't said anything about banning all guns. If you believe I'm wrong, please provide me information so I can see this for myself.

A little off topic, but where were your protests about this?

8. Another completely false statement and it is preposterous if you take the time to think about it! If you don't believe me, check this out. In fact, I downloaded this in Excel to calculate the exact numbers. This data from the FBI is only for the year 2011. The total murders by firearms were 8,593 compared to knives and other sharp weapons were1,694.

But hey, nice try. Too bad my paper beats your scissors in this real life example. 

9. Putting smiley faces on guns and calling them "nice."  Yes, the gun is the obvious victim, not the dead children. Silly me for thinking children were more important! 

10. This may just be the most offensive one yet! It compares gay marriage to gun control and abortion. Apparently you have more of a right to have an assault rifle then to marry the person you love or control over your own body. I must have missed that part of democracy. 

I am sure you can find many more memes better then these. Sadly, there is more ignorance than common sense in America.  

Let me know if you enjoyed this, leave a comment and I may make another one! 

Let's Grab All Our Guns and Go Shopping!

Apparently a Utah man decided to do just that today and in the process of doing what he can "legally do", he managed to scare the crap out of a lot of customers. Who can blame them? How would you distinguish between a mentally deranged mass shooter and someone who has no common sense?

Why do I say he has no common sense? Common sense dictates that someone carrying two guns, one an assault riffle that has been all over the news for being used in mass shootings and is adorned in ammunition as a matching accessory, is going to cause a stir.

I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say no one, or at least very few people are going to see it as "his right" when he is in the middle of a department store that is full of men, women and children of all ages shopping. Maybe if the self-proclaimed gun advocate had choose Dicks Sporting Goods over JC Penney, he would have blended in better, but then again, some may still wonder if another customer or employee wouldn't have grabbed a gun themselves and shot him. Who knows what his intentions were?

This ladies and gentleman is where a good portion of the problem is when we have a solution to gun violence that adds more guns to a society that already has enough guns for every woman, man and child living in it. Mass shooters don't have a specific "look," unless you count the 'gun they are caring' as a "look."  How can anyone determine if the person coming at them wearing a gun isn't going to open fire on them? A police officer is going to tell you the time you take to make that decision is putting your life in your hands. I don't know about you, but if I see someone I don't know, not in any uniform coming at me with a gun, I'm going to run. Good-bye, I'm out of here!

Now I'm the peace-loving liberal who doesn't own a gun, doesn't like guns but understands the necessity and rights surrounding them. But I can name plenty of people (Heck, just look in the news!) that believe they need to play hero if they see someone unknown coming at them with a gun and will shoot. Let's say this is in a mall or store and state where you can carry a gun legally, so now you have one guy with a visible gun and a dozen or more "heroes" with guns. I don't think I have to tell you what is going to happen next and you can be assured it won't be pretty.

Is that what America needs to happen before common sense will reappear and people will say, "More guns won't stop gun violence."

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Paterno Family Said What?

Today I wrote an article that took a lot of self-control. I don't want to say the subject was dead and buried, but, the Penn State Football Sex ABUSE, or more specific, child sexual ABUSE trial was over, sanctions levied, Sandusky is in prison and not getting out, the legacy of the great Joe Paterno dead. Dead, exactly where it belongs because you can't put football, or anything in front of protecting children.

Well, nope, not gone! The Republican governor (Yes, he's one and I'm calling him on it! They seem to do the most low down things, this being one!) of Pennsylvania has decided to file a lawsuit against the NCAA to have the sanctions against the college removed because it's not fair to his state! 

Then, to top this off, the Paterno Family releases a statement to the press about their support of this lawsuit.

So now this all has to get dragged back up. The victims have to see and read about it again. They still are not allowed peace. Haven't they been through enough?

The college is not contesting the sanctions. The majority of the public were so outraged they weren't going to say nothing against them. I say the majority because a lot of people feel bad for the students that go there. I feel bad, but, I feel better that they weren't abused and the players were allowed to transfer out. Children before sports.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

God and Guns

Common sense (noun): "sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or fact." The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Simple, based on perception or fact, or so you may think. American's prove daily that common sense is not the norm anymore. 

My common sense problem with America (and Americans) for today is gun control. Yes, that is a term that will probably end up on the 2014 list of banned words and phrases. You know what, let's talk about it until it's drilled into everyone's head. 

  1. More guns, not the answer. 
  2. Prayer can't stop bullets.  
American has a gun culture, where too many people still believe they live in the Wild West and good guys wear white hats, bad guys wear black hats. 

Not true! The police do not know who is the good guy or bad guy, they just see a guy with a gun. In some countries, that alone will get you shot on site. No one is going to stop and ask what your intentions are with the gun, especially during a mass shooting. They are looking for the shooter or shooters and that is a person or people with a gun.

For the first week after the mass shooting of 20 innocent children, you couldn't look a social networking site or listen to at least one politician making a comment that if God was still in school, shootings wouldn't happen. This may be just as bad as "more guns."  

You can't pray away mentally ill people, you can't pray for hunger to end, you can't pray to stop anything. You can make sure mental health services are available to more people, rather then more guns. You can donate food, make healthy food affordable, offer free lunches to low income children at school. 

Actions, speak louder than words.